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Protecting Children
by Empowering Parents

Parental Rights Florida

The Florida Parents' Bill of Rights is Now Law

A Door of Hope

Florida parents, future generations are counting on us! Please get involved in your local communities, cities and counties on behalf of your family and your Parental Rights.

Together, we will make the difference by standing in the gap now for our children and future generations!

Parents - Take Action Now

parents rights for florida families


  • Navigate to the Resources page and download each “Parental Rights and Appreciation Month” Proclamation (city council, county commission, school board).
  • Ask your local officials to honor parents and families in your community with this October proclamation based on Florida’s Parents’ Bill of Rights.
  • Build a relationship and follow up.



  • Navigate to the Resources page and download “Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act” (FRA) and the “Parental Rights Amendment (PRA) to the Constitution”.
  • Contact your Florida Congress Member and 2 Senators.
  • Ask them to co-sponsor these two federal bills.
  • Build relationships and follow up!

Florida's Parental Rights Legislative Timeline

2012 - 2017

Language Introduced Several Times

2019 - 2021

Rep. (Now Senator) Erin Grall Introduced the Parents’ Bill of Rights Over 3 Legislative Sessions.


Parents’ Bill Of Rights Became Law


Parental Rights In Education Became Law


Legislation Passed to Further Strengthen Parental Rights and Protect Children

What can you do?

Right now, you can encourage your U.S. representative to sign on as a cosponsor to HJRes. 38. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Find your representative’s contact information here.

  2. Email or call your representative’s office. Tell their staff that you are a constituent and that you are urging your member of Congress to sign on as a cosponsor of the Parental Rights Amendment, House Joint Resolution 38


Your message can simply be something like this:

I live in Rep. _____’s district, and I value the role of parents in the life of a child. I’m calling to urge my representative to contact Annie Clark in Rep. Debbie Lesko’s office and sign on as a cosponsor of HJRes. 38, the Parental Rights Amendment. Please sign on to cosponsor this vital safeguard for my children and for America’s families.

For our children our our future generations!


When it comes to raising children,


are better than


Parental Rights Florida
Parental Rights FloridaSep 15, 2024 @ 4:33pm
It was an honor to serve on the Parental Rights Panel alongside such remarkable women at the Empowering Women hosted by Leadership Institute.

When it comes to parental rights, families, womanhood, protecting our children, and building a better future for the next generation, there is no room for compromise.

Let the truth of the William Wilburforce quote below be found in us .

“Let it not be said that I was silent when they needed me.”

Onward and upward!

Florida Parents - We Made History!

Are You Ready to Lead the Way for Our Nation?

Families are the heart of our neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties, states, and nation.


Refocus and recommit to your children in your parent-child relationship.  ebuild where necessary. Access resources to assist in understanding the role and responsibility of parents. Support other families.


Become informed about Florida Parental Rights Laws. Put the “Florida  Parents’ Bill of Rights Guide Book” into the hands of every family in Florida. 


Get Involved

Engage with other parents. Attend local, city, county, and state meetings on behalf of parental rights. Educate local government leaders about parental rights laws. Protect your children from entities that do not honor or respect  the role of parents within your community.

We're all
in this together