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Protecting Children
by Empowering Parents

Parental Rights Florida

How and Why to

meet with your Representatives & Senators

General Tips

Remember to contact your State Representative and your State Senator who work on your behalf in Tallahassee. Not your federal Representative or Senator.

Remember, they are elected to represent YOUR views.

When contacting your Florida State Representative or Senator, share briefly about why you personally support the “Parent’s Bill of Rights” is best. Always be courteous and clear when communicating with them and their staff.

  • Be specific
  • Ask for action
  • Use time wisely
  • Plan out your remarks
  • Ask for support
  • Be respectful
  • Follow-up
  • write a thank you note

Timing is important: Before the legislative session is a good time to contact them to help them become aware and educate them about the issue.

If it is during the legislative session, be ready to respond quickly to “Calls to Action”.

Build relationships with staff: It is very beneficial to build a working relationship with staff.

Voice your position: Legislators act on behalf of their constituency. Even if your legislator does not currently support your position, contacting them and voicing your concerns is a good way to put your issue on their radar screen.

Know the issue: Provide good information. Ask questions about their position on the issue, and answer their questions about your position.

Share information. Share any information from your legislator to your friends, family and those in the parental rights movement. This helps strengthen the cause and awareness. Consider writing an op-ed or letter to your local newspaper. Share on social media also.

Calling Your Legislator

If the time is limited, then it’s time to take immediate action by calling your lawmakers! Your phone call could be the call that helps push forward our cause. 

Key things to remember when you call:

Be professional. Be respectful, factual and professional. Speak clearly to the Legislator and their staff.

Provide information. Identify yourself as a constituent (and voter).

Schedule A Meeting

An in-person visit will give you a chance to sit with your Legislator face to face.
Ask questions about your legislator’s stance toward the issue. Be ready for your legislator (or staff) to ask about your position.

Developing a relationship with staff is important.

Always say thank you. Follow-up by writing a thank you note to each staff member with whom you met. Thank your legislator for his or her consideration.

Writing Your Legislator

Write your Legislator with mail and e-mail.  Be courteous, concise and factual.

Tips to help you write:

Identify yourself as a constituent. 

Voice your position. A short explanation of your positiong. Share how and why it is needed.

Know the issue. 

Thank them.